Sweaty Armpit: Understanding And Treatment

Human body operates much like a marvellously designed machine. It reacts differently to diverse situations such as hot environment or nervous conditions; one of the ways is through sweating. While sweating is a normal bodily function essential for regulating body temperature, occasionally, it can transcend into a more severe condition, namely hyperhidrosis. When sweat production is localized to certain parts of the body — such as the underarms — leading to ‘sweaty armpit‘, it can bring about certain complications and challenges.

What Causes Sweaty Armpit?

The condition of a sweaty armpit is essentially ascribed to the overactive sweat glands present in the axillary regions. Under normal circumstances, these glands produce sweat, which gets evaporated thereby mitigating body heat. However, in the case of axillary hyperhidrosis, these glands intensely produce an amount of sweat that’s beyond what’s necessarily required to cool the body.

Stress, emotion, and heat typically stimulate sweating, but people grappling with axillary hyperhidrosis sweat regardless of the atmosphere or emotional state. It’s a physical ailment that can create severe psychological distress and social discomfort. The etiology of primary axillary hyperhidrosis isn’t clear, though it may be due to a hereditary condition.

Impact on Daily-life

A sweaty armpit goes much beyond the physical manifestation of excessive sweat. It can impact an individual’s daily life, making them self-conscious about their body odor and appearance. It can often lead to bouts of embarrassment and inconvenience, refraining the person from engaging in social and professional activities. Some people also experience stained clothes and frequent skin infections due to this condition.

What is used to treat excessive sweating?

Excessive armpit sweating treatments embrace a broad spectrum ranging from topical agents, iontophoresis, Botox injections, to more invasive surgical options.

Antiperspirants containing aluminum chloride hexahydrate are the most commonly used first-line therapy. For mild to moderate hyperhidrosis, application of antiperspirant in the armpit before bedtime can yield beneficial results. Prescription strength antiperspirants are available for more severe cases.

Iontophoresis is another technique often adopted whereby a mild electrical current is passed through water into the skin surface to block pores. Additionally, Botulinum toxin commonly known as Botox, is another effective treatment, known for its capacity to block nerves inducing sweat.

The invasive surgical procedure called thoracoscopic sympathectomy is also a consideration in the management of excessive armpit sweating. This procedure involves severing or clamping the nerves to disrupt the transmission of signals to sweat glands.

Recently, FDA has approved a novel microwave technology named ‘miraDry’ which works by eradicating sweat glands present in the armpit. The absence of these sweat glands, subsequently, brings about a permanent reduction in underarm sweat.


In conclusion, a sweaty armpit is not just a matter of physical inconvenience; it’s a concern with significant psychological and social implications. Thankfully, an array of treatments are available with varying degree of success in managing excessive underarm sweating. If you or someone close to you suffer from excessive armpit sweating, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist to choose a suitable treatment modality.